Doroodzan dam

Doroodzan dam



The multipurpose earthfill Doroodzan dam is located some 85 km. North west of shiraz on Kor river and in the bakhtegan lake catchment area. The objectives of constructing doroodzan dam are as follows:


1)          Irrigation water supply for 110/000 ha.

2)          Supplying parts of urban water needs for the cities of Marvdasht / zaghan and shiraz.

3)          Supplying industrial water needs of the nearby factories.

4)          Flood controle of Kor river.

5)          Energy generation.




Technical Data:                 


Dam :

 Type……Homogeneous embankment with riprap protection.

Height ……………………………………………………. 57 m.

Crest length ………………………………………….. …710 m.

Crest width …………………………………………….… 10 m.

Crest  elevation ………………………………….….…..1683. 5.

Max width at base ………………………………………. 375m.

Fill volume ……………………………………….…..4.8 MCM.

Foundation …………………………………. … limestone rock.




Volume ……………………………………………...   993 MCM.

Surface at normal water level……………………….. 55 Km^2.

Dead storage ………………………………………….133 MCM







Catchment area  ………………………………… 4372  km^2.

Mean annual river flow from the reservoir …..…1192MCM.

Mean annual evaporation from the reservoir….…. 64 MCM.

Mean annual precipitation …………………………… 485mm.




Type ………………………………ojee  spillway

Crest elevation……………………………1676.5

Crest length …………………………….. 150 m

Design flood …………………………. 3000 cms




Power house :

Two 5.5 Mw Francis turbines were installed in 1990 .

Energy generation is dependent on irrigation water needs.







Droodzan dam studies and investigation view carried out in the years 1963 to 1966 and the dam construction were started in 1970 and was completed in 1974.  The consulting engineer was Justin & Courtney jointed with Taleghani & daftari. The contractor was WRD.


Seepage control:

compact clay blanket

chimney drain in embankment

Rlife well in foundation

Horizontal drain

Cutoff wall in foundation





The dam was originally equipped with 29 hydraulic pyrometers and 9 standpipe pyrometers, where most of them damaged. Later  on ,14 more standpipe pyrometers were installed.




To control the behavior of the dam, microgeodesy surveying is being performed continuously.


Sediment surveying:

The last sediment surveying of the reservoir which was performed in 2004 , showed that 33 MCM sediment is settled in the reservoir.









کد خبر: 437
سایتـــ های مرتبطـ

آمار بازدیدکنندگان

  • کاربران آنلاین : 34
  • بیشترین بازدید همزمان : 399
  • بازدید امروز : 4,405
  • بازدید دیروز :
  • کل بازدید : 6,930,575
  • آخرین به روزرسانی : 5 اسفند 1403 15:50:39
  • شناسه IP شما :

راه‌های تماس با ما

  • آدرس : شیراز، بلوار ارم، شرکت سهامی آب منطقه‌ای فارس
  • کدپستی : 7143683685
  • تلفن : 07132252093
  • فاکس :
  • پست الکترونیکی : info[at]
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