Mollasdra dam

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Mollasdra Dam&H.P.P Project:


1-Project introduction:

Geographical Location:

Mollasadra Dam&H.P.P Project is located at the main branch river of Tang-e-Boragh River,in Fars province,and it is 60 kilometer upstream of Doroudzan Dam.

2-Project Objectives:

a) To increase 100million m3 of annual delivered water by Doroudzan Dam.

b)To generate 100 M.W. Hydropower energy.

c)To prevent flood destruction and damage to 90.000 hectars of Korbal agricultural lands down stream of Doroudzan dam.

d)To improve about 4400hectar of Kamfirouz agricultural land.

e)To increase the stability of Doroudzan Dam by controlling sediments.

3-Specification of Contract:

a)Duration of Contract:50 month

b)Contract price:75.5 million$

c)Financiers:Exim Bank of China&Saderat Bank of Frankfourt.

Applicant Bank:Saderat Bank of Fars.

Commencment date of project:1381/6/16


Type of Spillway:ungated Ogee a)

b)Width of  Spillway:88 m

Length of chute:500m c)

d)Spillway Capacity(PMF):3400 CMS.

5-Technical Specification of Mollasadra dam:

 a)Type of Dam:Earth Rockfill Dam with central Clay Core

b) Height of Dam: 72 m

c)Length of  Crest:680m

d)Width of Crest:10m

e)Width of Base: 320m

f)Total Volume of reservoir:440 million m3

g)Dead Volume of reservoir:29 million m3

h)live Volume of reservoir:411 million m3

i)Embankment Volume:2,864,000 m3

j)Catchments area:2250 k.m2

k) Average annual inflow:390million m3

l)Average Annual discharged:12.6 m3/s

6)Diversion Culvery:

a)2 boxes with dimention of 3.0&2.5m width and 5m height at right bank of river.

b)Length of Culvert:426m

c)Capacity of Diversion system:299 m3/s

7-Coffer Dam:

a)Type of cofferdam:rockfill with upstream GC blanket

b)Elevation from bed:23m

c)Width of base:22m

d)Volume of embankment:311,000 m3

8-Specification of Water transmission Tunnel&Powerhouse

a)Total Length of Power tunnel:3.286m

b)Diameter of Tunnel:4.5m

c)Capcity of P.H:100 M.W&h

d)Type of Turbines:Fransis with vertical axis

e)Maximum water head:238m

f)Minimum water head:200m

9-Irrigation &Drainage Network of Mollasadra Dam Project:

a)A gated concrete ogee with length of 104m,height of 2.8m  that equipped with 13 radial gates with dimention of 8×3.55 m

b)Main Canal:Length 8.4 k.m,capacity 12.4 m3/s

c)Right Bank canal:Length 18.34 k.m,Capacity 3.5 m3/s

d)Left Bank canal:Length 28.2 k.m,capacity 8.7m3/s

 e)Estimated cost of  Project:15 million $.


Employer:fars Regional Water Company

Consulting Engineers:Sakoo  Consulting Engineers

Contractors:-Melli Sakhteman-Caitec Consortium

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آمار بازدیدکنندگان

  • کاربران آنلاین : 14
  • بیشترین بازدید همزمان : 399
  • بازدید امروز : 792
  • بازدید دیروز :
  • کل بازدید : 7,000,394
  • آخرین به روزرسانی : 22 اسفند 1403 11:30:47
  • شناسه IP شما :

راه‌های تماس با ما

  • آدرس : شیراز، بلوار ارم، شرکت سهامی آب منطقه‌ای فارس
  • کدپستی : 7143683685
  • تلفن : 07132252093
  • فاکس :
  • پست الکترونیکی : info[at]
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